Reconstruction Seebrucker­straße
Facade renovation and office conversion
Solar In-Fill Development
Residential construction Gräfstraße
Energetic facade reconstruction
Solar In-Fill Development
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Energy-efficient refurbishment and extension
Exhibition pavilions in Detmold
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Low energy house in Gauting
Energy-efficient refurbishment and extension
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Solar In-Fill Development
Hybrid solar housing system
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Solar house in Pullach
Solar house in Pullach
Residential construction Gräfstraße
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Facade renovation and office conversion
Solar house in Pullach
Office building in Lohhof
Exhibition pavilions in Detmold
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Solar In-Fill Development
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
Energy-efficient refurbishment and extension
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Hybrid solar housing system
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Solar In-Fill Development
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
Solar In-Fill Development
Commercial academy
Solar house in Pullach
Reconstruction Seebrucker­straße
Hybrid solar housing system
Residential construction Gräfstraße
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Office building in Lohhof
Solar In-Fill Development
Energy-efficient refurbishment and extension
Low energy house in Gauting
Energetic facade reconstruction
Residential construction Humboldtstraße
Post office in Munich
Energy-efficient refurbishment and extension
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Hybrid solar housing system
Solar house in Pullach
Energy-efficient refurbishment and extension
Residential construction Humboldtstraße
Residential construction Gräfstraße
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Residential quarter Sankt-Veit-Straße
Energetic facade reconstruction
Noise control Dachauer Straße
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
School center in Riem
Residential construction Gräfstraße
Reconstruction Seebrucker­straße
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
Hybrid solar housing system
Low energy house in Gauting
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Exhibition pavilions in Detmold
Commercial academy
Annax headquater
Low energy house in Gauting
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Annax headquater
Low energy house in Gauting
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Reconstruction Seebrucker­straße
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Annax headquater
Low energy house in Gauting
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Residential construction Humboldtstraße
Commercial academy
Hybrid solar housing system
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
Low energy house in Gauting
Energy-efficient refurbishment and extension
Low energy house in Gauting
Reconstruction Seebrucker­straße
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Energetic facade reconstruction
Solar In-Fill Development
Solar house in Pullach
Hybrid solar housing system
Commercial academy
Solar In-Fill Development
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Residential construction Humboldtstraße
Solar In-Fill Development
Reconstruction Seebrucker­straße
Commercial academy
Noise control Nordheide
Residential construction Gräfstraße
Commercial academy
Commercial academy
Low energy house in Gauting
Low energy house in Gauting
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Energy-efficient refurbishment and extension
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
Noise control Nordheide
Facade renovation and office conversion
Low energy house in Gauting
Hybrid solar housing system
Noise control Nordheide
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Facade renovation and office conversion
Residential construction Gräfstraße
Office building in Lohhof
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
Noise control Nordheide
Residential construction Gräfstraße
Low energy house in Gauting
Noise control Nordheide
Residential construction Gräfstraße
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Facade renovation and office conversion
Reconstruction Seebrucker­straße
Low energy house in Gauting
Annax headquater
Energetic facade reconstruction
Commercial academy
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Hybrid solar housing system
Residential construction Gräfstraße
Reconstruction Seebrucker­straße
Solar In-Fill Development
Low energy house in Gauting
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Residential construction Gräfstraße
Residential construction Gräfstraße
Residential quarter Sankt-Veit-Straße
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
Facade renovation and office conversion
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
Commercial academy
Reconstruction Seebrucker­straße
McGraw Trench
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
Solar In-Fill Development
Commercial academy
Exhibition pavilions in Detmold
Facade renovation and office conversion
Exhibition pavilions in Detmold
Noise control Nordheide
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Noise control Nordheide
Reconstruction Seebrucker­straße
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Energetic renovation with winter garden
Reconstruction Seebrucker­straße
Annax headquater
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
Annax headquater
Facade renovation and office conversion
Solar house at the Olympic Park
Low energy house in Gauting
Residential construction Gräfstraße
Energetic facade reconstruction
Energy-efficient refurbishment and extension
Commercial academy
Residential construction Humboldtstraße
Solar In-Fill Development
Low energy house in Gauting
Max-Planck-Headquarter Munich Court Garden
Low energy house in Gauting
Commercial academy
Hybrid solar housing system
Noise control Nordheide
Reconstruction Seebrucker­straße
Facade renovation and office conversion
Hybrid solar housing system
Facade renovation and office conversion
Hybrid solar housing system